Guitar lessons with real results

We use various different teaching methods in our lessons and draw upon years of hands-on experience. Learning to play a musical instrument, in this case the guitar, can be complicated, but it doesn’t need to be. Lessons start by building a solid basic technique through playing real music, with very few technical exercises or studies. This means students develop their musicality from the beginning. The stronger the foundation, the easier it will be to progress and enjoy making music, which is the whole point.

We use concepts from the Suzuki and Kodály methods for teaching children and absolute beginners. The science of motor learning, neuroplasticity (the science of rewiring your brain) and numerous psychological concepts also feed into our lessons, and we work with a range of method books.

The key thing is that the lessons remain fun even if they become challenging, so students continue to feel motivated and enjoy making music, and that there is tangible progression every month.

Below you’ll find articles about various aspects of guitar learning and music.

Useful information

  • Lessons for ages 5+
  • Taught in English or Dutch
  • Located at Visseringlaan 23
  • 30, 45 or 60 minute lessons available
  • Lessons are weekly or fortnightly
  • Electric guitar, acoustic guitar, ukelele and bass guitar lessons available
  • Pop, rock, metal, jazz, folk, funk & soul, fingerpicking and classical styles taught
  • There is a very limited number of instruments available to borrow
  • Lessons cancelled within 24 hours before the agreed time are charged
  • Excepting monthly subscriptions, all lesson packages have a validity of six months


[Practice vs. Play]

[Establishing a practice routine]

[Singing what you play]

[Right-hand technique]

[Left-hand technique]